Today I was wondering were my Dr.. Martens were. It has been a week now and on the shipping tracker, it said it would arrive today. So, when I checked again, it said that it was on my front door, however I never heard the truck. So I ran upstairs and you know what I saw? my shoe box!!! I was soo excited. I rushed to my room and opened the door. My 1st impression of the boots were that they were very stiff. For a second I wished that I had paid the extra money for the shoes that already were worn looking. However, then I told myself, think of all the memories I will make by wearing them in , and at the moment I was happy again.
I will have to say that they are stiff, and slightly painful, but they are the correct size. If I got a bigger size they would have had my feet flooding. And when I did the toe jamming test, my toes never reached the front of the shoe. yea!!! hahaha. I tried them on with a couple of different outfits. First I realized that they are really versatile. Second, I realized that I need to buy some proper socks for these shoes, thick socks are going to be best, or at least tights. Well thats all I have to say. My summer starts this saturday. can't wait!!! going to see all of my family that live in different states. can't wait. Haven't seen them in a long time.
P.S. I just want to make a shout out to my cousin Cierra. Thanks for reading my blog!! love you!