Hey everyone,
So on Friday, I had a Pratt portfolio review with someone from admissions. It was a way for me to know what I needed to work on before I actually submit my portfolio to the school. One of the things that she had told me is that I need to work on my figure drawing, and how I draw my clothes. I totally agree with her. So she recommended me this book called 9 Heads. Hopefully this well help me improve. The book itself is kinda pricey, I paid $101. I know I could of gotten if for cheaper if I bought it online, however, I need to move away from online shopping. I don't really want to pay for shipping anymore.
well I will talk to you guys later. bye!! <3
Monday, September 20, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Hey guys,
sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been super busy. Today I have a pratt portfolio review. Wish me luck!!
sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been super busy. Today I have a pratt portfolio review. Wish me luck!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hey guys, so I just wanted to let you know that I now have a lookbook!! So I should be posting more outfit pictures.
Friday, September 10, 2010
(will i am)
(model from ANTM and my friend debby on right)
(Prez Hilton and some girl form the hills)
( at beni hanas after, wore the blazer that I bought that day)
Fashion Night Out was Amazing!!!I loved it and was glad that I went. I went to the beverly center today around 4pm and went shopping with my sister and her friend. There were so many clothes that I was in love with a lot of things, however, I don't have the money for all of them. There were few celebrities there including Will-i-am and Prez Hilton, however I didn't know some of them. Supposedly the Jonas Brothers were there and so was Taylor Swift, but I didn't see them :(. I also got to take a picture with a model from ANTM. However I can't remember her name. ( In the comments, if you know her name please write it, thanks). There was a fashion show, and it was amazing. Only bummer was that I was on the top level of the mall, and the show was on the bottom, so I was looking above not getting the best view and could hardly get a good place to stand. I will have to say that I would do this next year, it was just a great experience and I felt like I was taking part in a global event, since fashion night out was happening all over the globe. Next year, hopefully I will go to fashion night out in New York.
So, after this experience and seeing the fashion show and the models, I am really thinking of modeling. I mean in the picture with the ANTM model, I am wearing flats, and she was wearing heals. I am 5'9", so I think I am tall enough. I just need to loose about 20 lbs or more. So hopefully that will work out. I will try to keep you posted. ttyl. bye bye!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So I am really excited to tell you guys what is coming up in fashion events. So this is pretty much a global event. On Friday September 10, there is going to be fashion night out. I think this event started out in NYC, but is now everywhere. So here in Los Angeles, I am going to be seeing some fashion shows, and shopping till I can't shop anymore. Hopefully I will take some pictures. ttyl. bye!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Urban Outfitters; studio jewlery
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