1. Spend in only cash
- by doing this, you are making yourself use only the money you have on you. Want that $60 dress? Only if you have $60 on you. It is a great way to spend more wisely and exactly know how much you are spending.
2. Sell you clothing
- there are plenty of resell shops that will buy your clothing for cash or credit. Just for help, if you like shopping at the resell shop, take the credit if you are going to use the money for shopping. It will go farther than cash. Otherwise, cash is the easy way to go.
3. Reuse
- Buying clothes at a vintage or thrift store can be fun. Go to the Goodwill, sometimes you can find some of the coolest things there if you really dig around. And location is everything. So instead of going to a thrift store in a bad neighborhood, go to one near a lot of big stores. when things don't sell, some stores will give it to the thrift stores. Another tip is that some vintage stores can get pricey so beware.
4. DIY
- Some of the funnest things to do is to take your old clothing and re-invent it. Take some scissors and take those old jeans and make them into shredded ones or to a pair of shorts. The possibilities are endless. You could also take a boring cardigan and changes the buttons and it gives it new life.
5. Swap
- A fun get together with the friends is a swap party. Take all the clothing that you don't want anymore and swap it with your friends.
I hope these tips were helpful for all of you to help with those tight budgets.