Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Spring/Summer Wish list

- Jeffery Campbell Lita shoes $158 @ freepeople
- wide leg pants that look like skirts
( I will be putting pictures up later)
( I will be putting pictures up later)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
College Desision
I have decided to go to Marist College,in Poughkeepsie, NY. It will allow me to have more of a regular college experience while still having great access to the city and learn what I love, fashion. I can't wait to go in August.
Friday, April 22, 2011
How preferences change
So this has to do with my views on piercings and tattoos. So when I was young, I use to think that all piercings that were not the normal two lobe piercings were weird and I thought I would never get them. I also thought I would never get a tattoo either. I mean at the moment I don't have any tattoos at all. However I am thinking of getting like up to 9 tattoos. However, I haven't worked those out yet completely and I need to wait till I move out for college, but I am thinking of sneaking one in over the summer after i graduate high school. However, with piercings, I have my left cartilage pierced and I want 7-9 more piercings. I really believe that we do change our minds as we grow older. This is one reason why I am really contemplating what I want for my tattoos because those will be there forever. With piercings I can always take those out and they will heal up over time.
Piercings I want:
- 2nd lobe piercing both sides
- 2nd cartilage on left ear, lower down
- tragus piercing on right ear
- rook piercing on right ear
- nose piercing on right side
- navel piercing
- tongue piercing
Tattoos I want: ( these are just some pictures of placement or of images i want, won't look exactly the same)
- Rib tattoo on right side of a dream catcher. now i must say that i was thinking of getting this tattoo long before I saw Miley Cyrus's and i had even the same positioning, however, just proves the point that great minds think a like. ( P.S. if you don't know, i slightly have this obsession with Miley cyrus). The way that i would have mine is that i want to have the dream catcher have charms on in that would represent my family and myself. I am going to have a peace sign on it because i have finally found peace with myself, which will help me have peace with others. I am going to add an infinity sign because it will represent my sister and me. I am getting a thimble because it represents my mom and a bass clef that represents my dad. the dream catcher represents my personality. I am very much a dreamer. I am always dreaming and I have on in my room that i have had since i was in third grade. I believe that they do work, before i got it, I was always having nightmares, i don't think i had a good dream before that. However, after I have had many good dreams, at times i still have nightmares, but i haven't had any recently. I am also a sucker for native american culture and beliefs. I am part native american, however I don't know what tribe.
- shoulder of the quote "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything" on right. I really need to remember this in ife. I had first heard this quote in the movie sucker punch and it very much applies to my life. I have always tried to live for someone else or change myself to impress someone or to make my parents proud of me, and this reminds me that i need to do what is right for my life, and stand up for what ever I believe in and try not to conform to others.
- behind the ear ( I am thinking of a feather, rose or key)- I don't have any real reason for getting a feather behind my ear, but i really love feathers and they always have me think of nature and that i should always be conscious of it. An alternative i have been thinking about for the feather is a group of silhouettes of swallows. They remind me to look towards the future, going with my very dreamer personality.( if i don't get that behind my ear, i am getting the swallows on my shoulder blade) I would get a rose because I am a romantic. Lastly i would get a key because I just like keys especially skeleton keys, they are just very victorian looking. I was also thinking of getting the fleur de lis. I am very much in love with the french culture, I am almost obsessed, I hope to in the future, live there for a while and to become fluent in french.
- possibly on on my finger ( a cross or the roman numeral 4) - I am a christian, I may not be so gun hoe about going to church all the time and there are things about every church that I don't agree with, however, after I attended my schools kairos trip, I really reconnected with my faith and saw jesus in a new light and realized that I don't need the church to be with god/jesus, he is everywhere
- I would aslo like to get a ceryy blossom tatto on my hip. The reason I fell in love with this flower and what is stands for is because of both the Japanese and Chinese meanings. It means feminine power and beauty. It also represents in the Japanese culture that life is short so we should live our lives to the fullest.
- I am also thinking of getting another quote under my right breast that would say " Live your life without regrets" but in french I want to make sure that i get the wording and spelling correct before i get this because other wise i would look really stupid. ( this quote will be combined with the cherry blossom tattoo.
- Another quote that I would like to get is "La vita e bella" I had watched the movie, and this quote has stuck with me ever since. I would probably get that on my foot or back
- On a side note...what do you think of ear tattoos, like on the cartilage? I was thinking of getting one because it could be covered by your hair and it is not a usual place, however I would really have to think about that one since i have small ears. ( maybe the fleur de lis symbol on my ear) i don't really want any words in my ear cause that could look messy. ( that would be on my right ear because I am not getting cartilage( helix) piercings on my right ear.
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