It seems that in the recent years or months, that I have seen a lot of celebraties and young people on the streets dye their hair bold colors such as pink, red, orange, and blue. It is not limited to these colors, because if I were to go on tumbler, I could definitely find someone who has green hair or even rainbow hair. This trend that people have decided to become a part of is nothing new. Dying ones hair bold colors has most definitely been around since the punk era in the 70s, late 60s. Old women for a while would die their hair a pastel purple or blue to hide the grey a little. However now it has reached the youth to a new hight. The way color is applied to the hair has made it fresh from the years in the past. Women are dying only parts of their hair or multitude of colors or even doing a sutler color in pastels. Over spring break while I was at the hair dress, I decided to do something bold and died my hair pink and purple. Now I didn't bleach the shit out of my hair so that it would show very vibrant, so it looks more like a raspberry pink/red/purple. Dying the hair bright colors is not damaging to your hair ,especially if you use Manic Panic that has conditioning properties to it. What is damaging is the bleaching, which is why I didn't do much of it. Another thing that I have learned over the past few weeks is that when you want to wash your hair, wash in cold so that you can keep in as much color as possible, however you will still get some bleeding of color. So, to keep of the vibrance that you desire, you can mix the dye with your conditioner so that you can get the color you lost in washing back in your hair. Lastly, the longer you keep the dye in your hair, the brighter your color will be.
So maybe over the summer, you can try something new and dye your hair and new color for a little bit, especially since the dye is semi-permanent. What I want to know is what are your opinions on people dyeing their hair bold colors. Will you ever jump on this trend or leave it for others?