I want your opinion on something, well it has come to my attention that tattoos and Piericings are becoming more popular. and with all the different choices out there, I am really interested in rib tattoos, belly rings, and nose piercings. I already have a cartilage piercing which I got for my 17 birthday, hopefully I can get these for my 18th, well at least some of them. I want to know what you guys think about these piercings and tattoo location.
I'm certain of the tattoos I want and their location. There's something, though I'm not quite sure what specifically, that I'm waiting on . . . So, as of now, I have zero. I have two set aside for my ribs - a quote (written vertically) for my left and the skeleton of Joseph Merrick on the right. Dang, I'll bet it hurts. I don't have anything against them, but I've never been fond of a belly piercing for myself. Then, I don't have the nose for a nose piercing, lol, which is so strange to say. I typically love them on others, however - stud or hoop. So, what'll your tat be? I visit fuckyeahtattoos.tumblr.com like daily.