Radiohead- Weird Fishes
At my College, I am apart of a club called Dance Ensemble. A few weekends ago we had our end of the semester show. One of the the dances used this song and I just fell in love with the song instantly. For being a fan of Radiohead, I am surprised that I did not hear about this song earlier. I was so much inspired by this song that I even used the lyrics to inspire a dress for one of my fashion design classes. I love the melodic sound of it and what comes out of it musical and inspirationally.
I think that a remix that can transform the song for the best and can bring the song to a new level is always the best. So here is a remix that I fell in love with at first sound. This remix is by Amplive.
American Horror Story
Now, back story to this, I am not usually a fan of anything scary, I just don't understand why people put them in situations that allows them to get harmed or scared. But since this is now on its second season and it has been getting a lot of praise, especially from my sister, I thought I would give this show a try. I also know that the two season are not correlated in anyway except that some of the same actors are in the new season. I will have to say that I love this series so much and I actually don't think that it is as scary, but more alluring and dark.
I have a dark design aesthetic usually when it comes to fashion. And after watching this show especially the new season, my head has been running with ideas ever since. I just can't wait to design a collection based of off abandoned insane asylums and the anything else that I can think of.
In case you don't know, but I like Miley Cyrus, and i have especially been liking her current grungish style. And due to the weather getting colder, my fashion color palette has been getting darker and becoming mainly black. The colors I am loving this season and hope to expand in my closet is Oxblood, Navy, Black, and Grey. Here are few photos of things that I hope to expand in my wardrobe in the next couple of weeks.
In case you don't know, but I like Miley Cyrus, and i have especially been liking her current grungish style. And due to the weather getting colder, my fashion color palette has been getting darker and becoming mainly black. The colors I am loving this season and hope to expand in my closet is Oxblood, Navy, Black, and Grey. Here are few photos of things that I hope to expand in my wardrobe in the next couple of weeks.