Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Qiu Hao

I would like to introduce you to a Chinese fashion designer. His name is Qiu Hao. I first discovered in watching a tv show on ovation tv called designer label (I think). He is amazing. I love his since of style and the way he creates clothes. I hope he becomes more popular or that I can at least my something from his collections. I am really impressed with is use of knits. I love to knit, so to see him use very chunky yarn and make huge garments really inspires me. Well i just wanted to tell you about him.


  1. Wish I could knit and crochet. I like what's in the display window and also the latter photo.

  2. Knitting is really fun. I can knit, and crochet a little bit. I knitted my mom this huge floor length jacket. took me forever. haha
