Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year..New Me

Happy New Years Everyone!!!! Since it is now 2013...I thought I would post some New Year Resolutions that I have for this year.

1. Take better care of myself

What I mean by this is to go to the gym more, eat healthier, and to stop drinking so much caffeine and actually get some sleep during the school semester. I really want to be a healthier me and I think that I need to stop procrastinating it. This also includes taking the make-up off every night before I go to bed and stop being lazy about it.

2. I want to really develop this blog more

I am really starting to like blogging more, and I want to develop it more so that you all and I enjoy it more

3. Stop being as lazy

I think I just have a lot of moments, where I just don't feel like doing anything, even though I know I have things to do that are more important than watching television.

4.Minimize on the Junk

I am going to stop having excess of things and only have the essentials and I think this will help me stop spending so much money.

5. Try to become a better designer (construction wise)

I think that my sewing is okay, but at time I don't tak the time to just make it perfect, so I think that if I work on my construction, it will allow me to become a better designer because I will be able to play more with design, rather than worrying about putting it together.

6. Surround myself with Happiness

I think I just want to be a  happier person this year and to not to consume myself with negativity, sadness, or stress.

So now I leave you will a question. What is your New Years Resolutions?

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